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Polish producer of the best feed and baits

Polish producer of the best feed and baits

Bait pellet 18mm, 800g


SKU: ED2A-3856B_20220106140638 Category:

18mm pellet with hole. Used for baiting and for application to hair. The pellets include cereals, fish meal, fish oil, rapeseed oil, soy products, distillery products, wheat gluten, attractants, and natural dyes. Solubility from 2 to 8 hours depending on water temperature and granulation.

Weight 0,8 kg

Amur, Pineapple, Banana, Bras, Peach, White worm, Red worm, Cookie, Chilli, Blackcurrant, Chocolate/Orange, Garlic, Wild rose, GLM, Pear, Coconut/Rum, Fenugreek, Shrimp, Corn, Mint, Honey, Mulberry, Melilot, Tiger nut, Pepper, Gingerbread/Marzipan, Spicy sausage, Orange, Roasted hemp, Scopex, Plum, Strawberry, Three herbs, Tutti frutti, Vanilla, Potato, Cranberry, Halibut, Crab, Kryll, Ochotka, Octopus/Squid, Red halibut, Fish, Crustacean, Liver, Fishy strawberry, Flaming salami, Fire squid, Mixed coconut, Seaweed frenzy, Heavenly sweet corn, Juicy banana with a hint of corn, Bloodworm, Lobster/crayfish/orange, Sour butter, Mango, Wild strawberry, mandarin, Fermented corn, Kiwi/butyric acid, Apricot fish, Pickled pear, Red Rak, Sweet corn, Dino, Citrus, W-2, W-4, Sweet corn

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