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Micro Pellet 2 mm, 10 kg


SKU: 5D41-707D6_20221121204254 Category:
Weight 10 kg

Amur, Pineapple, Banana, Bras, Peach, White worm, Red worm, Cookie, Chilli, Blackcurrant, Chocolate/Orange, Garlic, Wild rose, GLM, Pear, Coconut/Rum, Fenugreek, Shrimp, Corn, Mint, Honey, Honey/Rosemary, Mulberry, Melilot, Tiger nut, Pepper, Gingerbread/Marzipan, Spicy sausage, Orange, Roasted hemp, Scopex, Plum, Toffee, Strawberry, Three herbs, Tutti frutti, Vanilla, Vanilla/Currant, Potato, Cranberry, Halibut, Crab, Kryll, Ochotka, Octopus/Squid, Red halibut, Fish, Crustacean, Liver, Fishy strawberry, Flaming salami, Fire squid, Mixed coconut, Seaweed frenzy, Heavenly sweet corn, Juicy banana with a hint of corn, Bloodworm, Lobster/crayfish/orange, Sour butter, Mango, Wild strawberry, mandarin, Fermented corn, Kiwi/butyric acid, Apricot fish, Pickled pear, Red Rak, Dino, W-2, W-4, Sweet corn

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